Environmental Test Solutions for Electronic Products
The statistical analysis shows that the failure of electronic components accounts for 50% of the failure of electronic complete machine, and the reliability detection technology still faces many challenges.
Industry |
Test object |
Use |
Technology |
Solution |
Electronic products |
Semiconductor |
Evaluate |
Evaluation of adhesion between equipment and substrate |
Rapid temperature (&humidity)change test chamber
Printed circuit board |
Manufacture |
Hardening and drying of insulating coatings |
High temperature test chamber |
Accelerated thermal cycling test |
Rapid temperature (&humidity)change test chamber
Low temperature placement test |
Rapid temperature (&humidity)change test chamber
Evaluate |
High temperature test |
High temperature test chamber |
Temperature cycling test |
High and low temperature (&humidity) test chamber |
Temperature cycling test |
Rapid temperature (&humidity)change test chamber
Magnetic material |
Manufacture |
Drying |
High temperature test chamber |
/ |
High and low temperature (&humidity) test chamber |
Battery |
Evaluate |
Characteristic test |
Rapid temperature (&humidity)change test chamber